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1.1 平台(以下统称为“平台”):特指由券宝宝现在或将来拥有合格权限运营/ 管理的,提供团购等技术服务的网络服务平台,包括但不限于长富营销、券宝宝合作方运营/ 管理的网络服务平台包括网站、微信小程序及app,及未来可能新设或合作的网络平台等。

1.2 用户:即在平台注册,并使用其本人注册的账户,通过平台展示的信息获取商品/ 服务的个人。

1.3 团购信息:您通过平台发布的,在平台页面上展示的您商品/ 服务/ 优惠信息(如商品/ 服务描述、团购券有效期、团购规则、门店信息、会员优惠等)。该信息为您就前述商品/ 服务向用户发出的要约,一旦用户通过平台确认同意购买您该商品/ 服务,即视为您与用户达成了相应合同。

1.4 商家中心:为完成合作内容,券宝宝基于合同为您提供的管理系统,包括“商家中心”等 。

1.5 团购:针对由一定数量的用户组团,通过平台以较低折扣购买您通过平台发布的商品/ 服务,并最终由您提供相应商品/ 服务的网络交易行为。

1.6 团购券:指用户通过平台获取的,您向用户提供商品/ 服务的消费凭证。团购券包括但不限于代金券、套餐券、平台订单等,展现方式包括但不限于字符、二维码、订单、短信、电子邮件等。

1.7 团购券消费数:用户已实际消费的团购券数量。鉴于您提供的商品/ 服务通过商家中心进行验证为用户实际消费的依据,故团购券消费数以平台验证已标记消费的数量为准。

1.8 门店价:签订本合同时,您提供的商品/ 服务直接对外销售/ 提供时的单份销售价格。

1.9 平台价:您提供的商品/ 服务通过平台向用户展示的价格。团购平台价为参加平台团购活动时的单份销售价格。

1.10 代收款项:由券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方代您收取的,用户通过平台向您支付的已实际消费的团购券对应的款项等功能对应的消费款项。该款项扣除双方约定的服务费后,由券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方支付给您。团购代收款项计算标准为:团购平台价×团购券消费数。

1.11 服务费:为了实现您进入平台开展经营活动、进行交易之目的,由券宝宝为您提供本合同约定之服务收取的相关费用。团购技术服务的服务费为截至团购券有效期截止之日,团购券消费数×服务费价格

1.12 服务费价格:用户每实际消费一张团购券每实际消费一次,您应向券宝宝支付的服务费数额。团购及其它功能服务费计算标准以双方通过书面、邮件或商家中心确认的比例为准。

1.13 结算价:针对每一张已实际消费的团购券,于代收款项中扣除应收取的服务费、gst税费等其他费用后,应支付给您的数额。结算价= 团购平台价- 团购服务费价格- gst税费

1.14 团购技术服务代收净额:对应用户实际消费的团购券数量,应支付给您的结算款项。团购技术服务代收净额计算标准为:结算价×团购券消费数


为实现您进入平台开展经营活动、通过平台发布商品/ 服务信息、与用户进行交易之目的,券宝宝为您提供授权许可计算机软件及软件技术服务、网络技术服务及其他相关服务,具体服务内容如下:

2.1 团购技术服务

券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方为您提供商家中心等系统平台、软硬件设备,以实现您商品/ 服务在线展示,为用户提供团购券验证、汇总管理经营数据等经营行为,并实现代您收取商品/ 服务对应的款项的技术服务。

2.1.1 授权许可您使用券宝宝所有或合法运营、管理的与合作内容相关的计算机软件,并提供软件技术服务。

2.1.2 券宝宝以自有技术、知识,为您解决其在平台经营过程中遇到的网络技术问题。例如,针对您使用“平台验证系统”进行技术指导和专业培训。

2.1.3 技术服务费结算:券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方通过平台代您收取商品/ 服务对应款项,并将代收净额支付给您。


基于上述服务,您应按照约定支付服务费。您同意并确认,券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方可于代收款项中直接扣除上述服务费后,将代收净额支付给您。


4.1 您应遵守本合同之约定及平台公告发布的与您履行本合同项下义务相关的各项规则。

4.2 您应保证您为一家依据澳洲法律合法成立并有效存续的法人或其它商事主体,能够独立承担法律责任,并具有履行本合同所需的一切权利及能力;您因资质或提供的您信息而致本合同无法正常履行的,由此产生的一切结果由您负责,您还需赔偿券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方因此遭受的损失。

4.3 您承诺向券宝宝提交的证明材料合法、真实、准确详尽。否则您承诺独立承担因此导致的相应责任及后果,使券宝宝免责;

4.4 您承诺通过商户中心发布、编辑、更新的商户信息(包括但不限于文字、图片等)真实准确,并且不侵犯任何人的合法权益;

4.5 您向用户提供商品/ 服务时,应确保与您信息一致,您在团购券有效期内,应按照本合同约定、信息描述、订单及券宝宝相关规则接受用户的预约和消费。因您原因造成的用户投诉、经济损失等相关后果均由您承担。

4.6 您应合法经营,且提供的商品/ 服务应符合国家法律、法规、规章的规定。如因您行为或您提供的商品/ 服务造成用户损失的,由您承担相应的赔偿责任。如券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/券宝宝合作方基于前述情况向消费者先行赔付的,券宝宝有权进行追偿。

4.7 您有义务向顾客确认及说明产品/服务/经营场所安全情况。如写清楚食品过敏源,经营场所注意事项等。 

4.8 您应按照平台价为用户开具相应金额的发票

4.9 您应保证合作期间经营场所内实际销售价格不低于平台价,且不得唆使或诱使持团购券消费的用户放弃团购券而改为使用现金或其他形式消费,否则券宝宝有权立即终止本合同并要求您按照本合同约定承担违约责任。

4.10 对于虽已成交但并未实际消费的团购券,无论该团购券有效期是否届满,您同意券宝宝/ 平台实际经营者均有权留存该团购券所对应的款项,并根据订单的约定及用户的要求与意愿,处置相应款项。

4.11 您必须在发布套餐,优惠券,代金券等产品和服务时,写明此券或套餐可被使用的时间段和过期时间,以及可就餐的人数,如果您没有明确写出可使用时间与过期时间及就餐人数,则默认为该优惠券或套餐可消费时间段为商家营业的任何时间段和就餐人数无限制,过期时间为自消费者购买此产品或服务后一年。您应在用户消费时及时通过商家中心验证团购券,因您怠于履行验证义务而导致的一切损失由您自行承担。

4.12 您承诺并保证您对使用的商品、商标、品牌、图片等享有合法权利或合法授权,不会侵犯他人的知识产权、企业名称权等权益;且您承诺券宝宝及其合作方不会因展示您上述信息而遭受来自第三方的任何投诉、抗辩及争议,否则相应责任均由您承担。

4.13 无论本协议因任何原因终止,您承诺立即停止以任何方式使用美团相关的商标、标识、网站名称、网站内容等。

4.14 您同意用户通过平台发布的针对您的评论、照片等,纯属用户个人意见,与券宝宝立场无关,券宝宝不承担任何责任。

4.15 您应按照合同约定、页面信息及平台方规则向用户提供商品/ 服务,否则由此引起用户投诉或给用户/ 券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方造成损失的,相应责任均由您承担,且券宝宝有权解除合同并要求您按本合同约定支付违约金。

4.16 您不得通过任何手段、以任何方式自行或者委托他人进行如下行为(包括但不限于虚拟交易、虚拟验证、自买自卖、伪造网络用户真实消费、体验、刷单等违反平台规则、损害券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方利益的行为,或伪造、仿冒等其他违反国家法律法规的行为,或其它违反公平竞争诚实信用原则与商业道德的行为),否则,券宝宝有权解除合同,在代收净额中扣除上述行为给券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方造成的损失,并要求您按照本合同约定支付违约金。

4.17 如在合同履行期限内,因您原因造成的方案、项目或合同中止(包括但不限于服务方案已下线或停止营业),您应及时通知券宝宝。如因您怠于通知造成的一切纠纷和责任(包括但不限于用户投诉、行政机关处罚等)由您承担,若由此给券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方造成的损失造成经济损失,您应进行赔偿。

4.18 您保证双方合作项目在其它平台销售的平台价不得低于本合同涉及平台价,否则券宝宝有权解除合同。

4.19 如果是单品的菜品,价格必须是所有平台最低;如果是套餐,必须保证券宝宝平台是独家销售,否则券宝宝有权解除合同。

4.20 您应确保自己的商家账号密码安全且保密,如果您允许其他人,如员工或家人等登录和使用您的商家账号,因此造成任何问题或损失券宝宝概不负责。


5.1 券宝宝应向您提供本合同约定的技术服务及其他相关服务。

5.2 为更好的推荐您的商品/ 服务,以提升您的知名度/ 订单量,券宝宝可通过适当的方式和渠道做相关宣传介绍,并进行相关推荐/ 推广。您对上述行为予以认可,并授权券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方就您及其相关门店的名称、LOGO 、图片、文字、门店、会员优惠等信息进行使用。

5.3 券宝宝有权根据本合同的约定向您收取服务费,并且有权先从代收净额中直接扣除该等服务费。

5.4 券宝宝有权对您拟在平台发布的内容、信息进行形式审核,必要时券宝宝有权依据法律法规、政策规定及平台规则拒绝发布( 如商家拟发布涉嫌黄、赌、毒及其他违法或者违反公序良俗的信息) 。

5.5 除展示信息内容或文字确有错误外,您不得要求券宝宝修改已发布于平台上的您信息。

5.6 如用户就您商品/ 服务向券宝宝/ 平台实际经营者投诉,券宝宝经核实后,有权要求您配合解决该投诉,在该投诉未解决之前券宝宝/ 券宝宝关联方/ 券宝宝合作方有权拒绝向您支付涉及投诉的代收净额,待投诉解决后再行支付。

5.7 券宝宝有权升级、更新商家中心系统,如有变更,券宝宝将通过前述系统以公告形式作出通知。


6.1 除非本合同另有约定,如您违反诚信原则,或违反本合同的任一条款或平台上的任何规则,或您违反其在本合同的履行中做出的任何承诺和保证,或您提供的资质、证照等信息不属实,则券宝宝及其关联方有权停止向您支付代收净额,并有权要求您在一定期限内纠正违约行为。如您在券宝宝要求的期限内纠正违约行为后符合本合同约定的,券宝宝应恢复向您支付代收净额;如您在券宝宝要求的期限内拒绝纠正或纠正后仍不符合本合同约定的,券宝宝有权单方解除本合同,并有权要求您按照自本合同生效之日起累计至您发生违约行为之日的代收款项总额的10% 向其支付违约金。

6.2 因券宝宝未能按照合同约定履行义务,且拒绝纠正或未能在30天内纠正的,您有权单方解除本合同。

6.3 券宝宝付款周期最长为30天,逾期结算商家有权要求券宝宝立即支付相应款项。因券宝宝未能在逾期后60天内未支付的,券宝宝应承担1%的额外逾期利息。如因第三方结算平台出现结算延迟情况,则券宝宝无需对第三方结算平台支付延迟负责。





8.1 券宝宝有权删除平台上已发布的您信息,且有权拒绝提供相关信息;

8.2 本合同终止前您已与用户达成的尚未履行完毕的订单,您应按照本合同、信息、及订单、平台规则等的约定继续履行相应义务;

8.3 您同意券宝宝保存您资质信息、商品信息、交易记录等相关资料。





10.1 本协议的成立、有效性、解释、履行、签署、修订和终止以及争议的解决均应适用中华人民共和国法律。

10.2 因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方应协商解决。协商不成的,任何一方均可将争议提交至原告所在地法院。


11.1 与本合同有关的全部通知,双方可选择采用书面、邮件或商家中心操作任一种方式变更及确认。

11.2 本合同正文不得涂改修订,如有未尽事宜,应另行签订书面补充合同。任何形式的口头协议均属无效。

11.3 本合同附件是本合同不可分割的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。

11.4 本合同由您确认后,于您的券宝宝服务信息首次发布之日起生效,有效期1 年。

11.5 合同到期后,在保留合同条款及相应约定情形下,经券宝宝同意有效期自动顺延,每次顺延期为1 年。


Merchant Service Agreement (Couponer)

Special Reminder: Before accepting this contract, please carefully read the entire contents of this contract. If you have any questions about the terms of this contract, please inquire through the Couponer customer service, and Couponer will explain the terms to you. 

In addition to these terms, merchants should read Couponer‘s ‘Terms of use’, ‘Platform review policy’, ‘Privacy Policy’ and other terms of service. When the merchant signs the contract, we assume that you have read and agreed to these terms.

If you do not agree to any content of this contract or cannot accurately understand Couponer’s explanation of the terms, please do not agree to this contract or use the services under this contract. Otherwise, it means that you have accepted the terms and conditions described below and agree to be bound by this contract. At that time, you should not claim that the contract is invalid or request to revoke the contract on the grounds of not reading the contents of this contract or not obtaining the answers from Couponer to your inquiries.

To fully protect your legal rights and interests, please read the following carefully.



You confirm and agree to the interpretation and definition of the terms in this article and agree to perform relevant obligations according to the definition.

1.1 Platform (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”): Specifically refers to the network service platform that Couponer currently or will have qualified permissions to operate/manage, which provides group buying and other technical services, including but not limited to Growrich Marketing, Couponer’s cooperative network service platform including websites, WeChat mini-programs, apps, and future newly established or cooperative network platforms, etc.

1.2 User: Refers to an individual who registers on the platform, uses their registered account to obtain goods/services through the information displayed on the platform.

1.3 Group Buying Information: Refers to the commodity/service/discount information (such as commodity/service description, voucher validity period, group buying rules, store information, member discounts, etc.) that you publish on the platform and display on the platform page. This information is an offer made by you to the user for the above-mentioned commodity/service. Once the user confirms and agrees to purchase your commodity/service through the platform, it is deemed that you and the user have reached the corresponding contract.

1.4 Merchant Center: The management system provided by Couponer based on the contract for you to complete the cooperation content, including the “Merchant Center,” etc.

1.5 Group Buying: Refers to the network transaction behavior where a certain number of users form a group to purchase your commodity/service through the platform at a lower discount and finally you provide the corresponding commodity/service.

1.6 Group buying Voucher: (hereinafter referred to as the “Voucher”):Refers to the consumer voucher provided by you to the user through the platform. Vouchers include but are not limited to credit vouchers ( which is a voucher that records a cash or cheque payment), combo meal vouchers, platform orders, etc., and can be displayed in various ways, such as characters, QR codes, orders, SMS, emails, etc.

1.7 Voucher Consumption Quantity: Refers to the number of vouchers that the user has actually consumed. Considering that the validation of the commodity/service you provide is based on the verification conducted through the Merchant Center, the voucher consumption quantity is based on the number that has been marked as consumed by the platform.

1.8 Store Price: Refers to the single sales price of the commodity/service that you provide directly to the public at the time of signing this contract.

1.9 Group buying platform price: Refers to the price at which your commodity/service is displayed to users through the platform. The group buying platform price refers to the sales price for each product or service listed during the platform group buying activity.

1.10 Platform collected payments: Refers to the payment corresponding to the redeemed vouchers actually consumed by users and paid to the platform. This payment will be collected by Couponer, its affiliates/ its partners on your behalf. After deducting the service fees agreed by both parties, the payment will be paid to you by Couponer, its affiliates/ its partners. The calculation standard for platform collected payments: the group buying platform price multiplied by the number of voucher redemptions.

1.11 Service fee: In order for you to use the couponer platform to conduct business activities and transactions, Couponer collects relevant fees for the services agreed in this contract. The service fee for group buying technical services is calculated as the number of voucher redemptions ⨯ the service fee before the voucher expiration day.

1.12 Service fee price: The amount of service fee that you should pay Couponer for each actual use of a voucher by the user. The calculation standard for group buying and other functional service fees is subject to the ratio confirmed by both parties through written, email or merchant center.

1.13 Settlement price: For each voucher that has been actually consumed, the amount to be paid to you after deducting the service fee, GST and other fees from platform collected payments. Settlement price = group buying platform price – group buying service fee price – GST.

1.14 Group buying technical services Collection net amount: The settlement amount that should be paid to you for the number of vouchers actually consumed by users. The calculation standard for the group buying technical service collection net amount is: settlement price ⨯ the number of vouchers redeemed.

2. Service Content

In order to achieve the purpose of allowing you to use the platform and engage in business activities, publish product/service information on the platform, and conduct transactions with users, Couponer provides you with authorized computer software and software technology services, network technology services, and other related services. The specific service content is as follows:

2.1 Group-buying technology services 

Couponer/ affiliated companies/ partners provide you with the system platform, hardware and software equipment of the Merchant Center, to achieve the online display of your products/services, provide users with voucher validation, summary management of business data, and realize technical services for collecting payments corresponding to your products/services.

2.1.1 Authorized permission for you to use all or legally operated and managed computer software related to cooperation content owned by Couponer, and provide software technology services.

2.1.2 Couponer will use its own technology and knowledge to help you solve network technology problems encountered in the process of operating on the platform. For example, providing technical guidance and professional training on the “platform validation system” you use.

2.1.3 Settlement of technical service fees: Couponer/ affiliated companies/ partners collect payments corresponding to your products/services through the platform on your behalf, and pay the net amount collected for you after deducting the technical service fee.

3. Service fees and payment methods

Based on the above services, you should pay the agreed service fee. You agree and confirm that Couponer/ affiliated companies/ partners may deduct the above service fees directly from the payment collected on your behalf and pay the collection net amount to you.

4. Your Rights and Obligations

4.1 You shall abide by the provisions of this Agreement and various rules related to the obligations you perform under this Agreement published in the platform announcements.

4.2 You shall ensure that you are a legal person or other business entity established and validly existing in accordance with Australian laws, capable of independently assuming legal liability and having all the rights and abilities necessary to perform this Agreement. If you are unable to perform this agreement due to issues with your qualifications or the information you provided, you shall be responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom, and shall compensate Couponer/ its affiliates/ cooperative partners for any losses suffered thereby.

4.3 You agree that the proof materials submitted to Couponer are lawful, true, and accurate in all respects. Otherwise, you shall bear the corresponding responsibilities and consequences independently, and Couponer shall be exempt from any liability.

4.4 You undertake that the merchant information (including but not limited to text, pictures, etc.) published, edited, and updated through the merchant center is true and accurate, and does not infringe on the legal rights of any person.

4.5 When providing goods/services to users, you shall ensure that they are consistent with your information, and within the validity period of the voucher, you shall accept users’ reservations and consumption in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, information description, orders, and relevant rules of Couponer. You are responsible for all complaints and economic losses caused by you.

4.6 You shall operate legally, and the goods/services you provide comply with the provisions of national laws, regulations, and rules. If you cause any losses to users due to your actions or the goods/services you provide, you shall bear the corresponding compensation liability. If Couponer/ its affiliates/ cooperative partners pay compensation to consumers in advance based on the above situation, Couponer has the right to pursue compensation.

4.7 You are obliged to confirm and inform the safety of products/services/business premises to customers. For example, clearly write food allergens, precautions for business premises, etc.

4.8 You are responsible to issue invoices to users in accordance with the platform price.

4.9 You shall guarantee that the actual selling price in the operating place during the cooperation period is not lower than the platform price, and shall not instigate or induce users who hold vouchers to abandon vouchers and switch to cash or other forms of consumption. Otherwise, Couponer has the right to immediately terminate this Agreement and request you to bear the default liability in accordance with this Agreement.

4.10 For vouchers that have been paid but not actually redeemed, regardless of whether the voucher is still valid, you agree that Couponer/ the actual operator of the platform has the right to retain the amount of money corresponding to the voucher and dispose of the corresponding amount of money according to the provisions of the order as well as the user’s requirements and wishes.

4.11  You must indicate the time period and expiration time when the credit voucher, combo meal voucher, or any coupons can be used when publishing vouchers related to products and services on Couponer. If you do not specify the available time and expiration time or numbers of dinners, it will be the default that vouchers can be consumed during any time period when the business is open, the expiration time is one year after the consumer purchases the product or service, and there is no limit or requirement on the number of dinners. You should verify the voucher in a timely manner through the merchant app when the user redeems it. You shall bear all losses caused by your failure to fulfill the redemption obligations.

4.12 You undertake and guarantee that you have legal rights or legal authorizations to use the goods, trademarks, brands, pictures, etc., and will not infringe on the intellectual property rights, corporate name rights, and other rights of others. You undertake that Couponer and its cooperative partners will not suffer any complaints, objections, and disputes from third parties due to the display of the above information; otherwise, you shall bear the corresponding responsibility.

4.13 Regardless of the reason for the termination of this Agreement, you will  immediately stop using any trademarks, logos, website names, website contents, and other relevant materials of Couponer in any way.

4.15 You agree that comments, photos, etc. posted by users on the platform about your business are solely the personal opinions of users, Couponer has no responsibility for the  posted comments. 

4.16 You should provide users with goods/services in accordance with the contract, page information, and platform rules. If you fail to do so and it causes complaints from users or losses to the users/Couponer/Couponer’s affiliates/Couponer’s cooperative partners, you will be responsible for the corresponding liability. Couponer also has the right to terminate the contract and demand that you pay the liquidated damages as stipulated in this agreement.

4.17 You must not engage in any behaviors that violate platform rules and harm the interests of Couponer/Couponer’s affiliates/Couponer’s cooperative partners through any means or by delegating such behaviors to others, including but not limited to virtual transactions, virtual verification, self-buying and selling, forging real consumer experiences on the Internet, faking orders, counterfeiting, and other behaviors that violate national laws and regulations or fair competition principles and business ethics. Otherwise, Couponer has the right to terminate the contract, deduct the losses caused to Couponer/Couponer’s affiliates/Couponer’s cooperative partners from the net collection amount, and demand that you pay the liquidated damages as stipulated in this agreement.

4.16 If the program, project, or contract is terminated within the performance period due to your reasons (including but not limited to the service plan being ended or ceasing operations), you should notify Couponer promptly. If any disputes or liabilities (including but not limited to user complaints, administrative penalties, etc.) arise due to your failure to notify, you shall bear the corresponding responsibilities. If Couponer/Couponer’s affiliates/Couponer’s cooperative partners suffer any economic losses as a result, you should compensate them accordingly.

4.18 You guarantee that the platform price of the cooperative project between the two parties shall not be lower than the platform price involved in this agreement when sold on other platforms. Otherwise, the Couponer has the right to terminate the contract.

4.19 If it’s a single item, the price must be the lowest among all platforms; if it’s a set meal, it must be exclusively sold on the couponer platform, otherwise Couponer has the right to terminate the contract.

4.20 You must keep your merchant account password safe and confidential. If you allow other people, such as employees or family members, to log in and use your merchant account, Couponer will not be responsible for any problems or losses caused thereby.

5. Rights and Obligations of Couponer

5.1 Couponer provides you with the technical services and other related services as stipulated in this Agreement.

5.2 In order to better recommend your products/services and enhance your visibility/order volume, Couponer may promote and introduce your business through appropriate means and channels, and make relevant recommendations/promotions. You acknowledge and authorize Couponer/Couponer’s affiliates/Couponer’s partners to use the name, logo, images, text, store information, member benefits and other information related to you and your related stores for the aforementioned purposes.

5.3 Couponer has the right to charge you service fees in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, and has the right to deduct such service fees directly from the collected net amount.

5.4 Couponer has the right to review the content and information you intend to publish on the platform, and if necessary, Couponer has the right to refuse to publish (such as when a merchant intends to publish information that is suspected of being illegal or violating public order and good customs) in accordance with laws and regulations, policies and platform rules.

5.5 Unless there are errors in the displayed information or text, you may not request Couponer to modify the information about you that has already been published on the platform.

5.6 If a user complains to Couponer/platform actual operator about your products/services, Couponer has the right to request you to cooperate in resolving the complaint. Before the complaint is resolved, Couponer/Couponer’s affiliates/Couponer’s partners have the right to refuse to pay you the net amount collected on behalf related to the complaint, and will pay you after the complaint is resolved.

5.7 Couponer has the right to upgrade and update the Merchant Center system. If there are any changes, Couponer will notify you in the form of an announcement through the aforementioned system.

6. Liability for Breach of Contract

6.1 Unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement, if you violate the principle of good faith, or any clause of this Agreement or any rules on the platform, or any commitment and guarantee you made in the performance of this Agreement, or the information such as qualifications and certificates you provided is untrue, then Couponer and its affiliates have the right to stop paying you the collected net amount, and have the right to request you to correct the breach within a certain period of time. If you correct the breach within the period required by Couponer and meet the requirements of this Agreement, Couponer shall resume paying you the collected net amount; if you refuse to correct the breach within the period required by Couponer or still fail to meet the requirements of this Agreement after correction, Couponer has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement, and has the right to require you to pay a liquidated damages equivalent to 10% of the total amount of the collected payment from the effective date of this Agreement to the date when you breach the contract.

6.2 If Couponer fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the provisions of the contract and refuses to correct the breach within 30 days, you have the right to terminate the contract.

6.3 Couponer ’s payment cycle is up to 30 days, and merchants have the right to demand Couponer to pay the corresponding amount immediately after the settlement is overdue. If Couponer fails to make payment within 60 days after the overdue date, Couponer shall bear an additional 1% overdue interest. If the settlement is delayed due to the third-party settlement platform,  Couponer will not be responsible for the delay caused by the third-party payment  platform.

7. Confidentiality Obligation

Unless otherwise agreed, each party to this agreement shall keep strictly confidential any business, operational, financial or other confidential information obtained from the other party, and shall not disclose such information in any form to any third party. In the event of any losses suffered by the other party as a result of such disclosure, the breaching party shall bear all losses suffered by the complying party. The obligation of confidentiality shall remain effective during the validity period and after termination of this agreement, and shall not be affected by the invalidity or revocation of other terms of this agreement, either in whole or in part.

8. Termination and Dissolution of the Contract

This agreement shall be terminated upon the expiration of its term or the occurrence of other termination events as provided in this agreement. Unless otherwise agreed, during the performance of this agreement, either party may terminate this agreement after giving written notice to the other party and obtaining mutual consent through consultation. After the termination or dissolution of this agreement:

8.1 Couponer shall have the right to delete your information that has been published on the platform and shall have the right to refuse to provide relevant information;

8.2 For the unfulfilled orders that have been made between you and the user before the termination of this agreement, you shall continue to fulfill your obligations in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, information, orders, platform rules, and so on;

8.3 You agree that Couponer can retain your qualification information, commodity information, transaction records and other relevant materials.

9. Disclaimer

9.1 If Couponer is unable to fulfill its obligations under this agreement due to force majeure factors or third-party reasons such as war, natural disasters, government actions, Internet system failures, or Internet communication service provider failures, Couponer shall not be held responsible.

9.2 couponer shall not be liable for any economic losses caused by network hackers or technical reasons.

10. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution Clause

10.1 The establishment, validity, interpretation, performance, signing, amendment, and termination of this agreement and the resolution of disputes shall be governed by the laws of Australia.

10.2 Any disputes arising from or in connection with this agreement shall be resolved through consultation between the parties. If consultation fails, either party may submit the dispute to the court where the plaintiff is located.

11. Supplementary Provisions

11.1 All notices related to this agreement may be changed and confirmed by either written notice, email, or operation in the merchant center.

11.2 The main text of this agreement shall not be altered or revised. If there are any matters not covered, a written supplementary agreement shall be signed. Any oral agreements shall be invalid.

11.3 The annexes to this agreement are an integral part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as this agreement.

11.4 After you confirm this agreement, it shall become effective from the date of your first publication of Couponer service information and shall be valid for one year.

11.5 After the expiration of the contract, with the retention of the contract terms and relevant agreements, the validity period shall be automatically extended with Couponer’s consent, and each extension period shall be one year.