Couponer Platform Customer Review Rules

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本协议中的各方包含: (1)为提供点评技术服务的券宝宝运营主体(以下简称“券宝宝”)、(2)通过券宝宝发布或展示商品/服务信息的商户和(3)使用点评功能的用户(以下简称“券宝宝”)作为“用户”或“您”或“评价者”)。本规则是《券宝宝用户服务协议》(包括但不限于所附《隐私政策》)的必要组成部分。




券宝宝点评功能前,您应当仔细阅读本《券宝宝评价规则》、《券宝宝用户服务协议》及其他服务条款的全部内容,并确认您已理解并接受本规则的全部内容, 《券宝宝用户服务协议》及各项服务规则作为确定各方权利义务的依据。如果您通过券宝宝产品账号使用点评功能,即视为您已阅读并自愿接受本规则及服务规则的全部内容。如果您不同意本规则和/或《券宝宝用户服务协议》和/或各项服务规则的任何内容,请勿通过账号使用评论功能。


1 评价内容


2 商户星级评分


3 评价管理和处理:

3.1 平台评价原则及程序


3.2 违规、侵权评论


3.3 恶意评价

评价者为谋取财物或其他不当利益,以贬低、误导、捏造、夸大等方式给商家评价,或评价者与商家存在其他利益纠纷,做出与事实不符或损害商家利益的评价。公众对商家的信任构成恶意评论。券宝宝有权独立判断恶意评论并进行处理。 “恶意评论”包括但不限于以下形式:


-诽谤抹黑型恶意评论:指评价者采用诽谤抹黑等方式影响商家声誉,损害社会公众对经营主体的信任,降低社会对商家产品或服务的评价,构成诽谤抹黑- 型恶意评论;

其他本规则规定的恶意评论、 券宝宝评论规则详情、其他服务规则;券宝宝认为不利于评论系统真实性、客观性、公正性的其他评论。


3.4 不当评论

含有粗俗语言、泄露他人个人信息、包括广告信息、垃圾信息或无关内容、误导性信息或与产品或服务无关的内容、粗俗或其他违反社会规范或道德标准的评论,或可能对未成年人造成伤害或不当引导,构成不当点评。 券宝宝有权独立判断不当评论并作出相应处理。

3.5 抄袭/重复评论


3.6 炒作评论


3.7 其他违反平台规则的评论


4 内容和审稿人管理

针对前述违规行为, 券宝宝保留采取删除、屏蔽评论内容等适当措施的权利。券宝宝、要求进行身份验证、对评论者的贡献评分进行惩罚、限制或禁止评论者发帖、降低用户等级或社区等级、撤销其平台会员身份。如果评论者是商户或与商户存在关联关系,除上述措施外,券宝宝还可以根据‘商户规范’对商户采取措施。

5 审查投诉


6 仲裁权


您理解并同意, 券宝宝的相关评论者并非专业从事评论内容、评论者处理或评论者与商户纠纷的争议解决服务。他们只能根据常识判断包括您在内的各方提交的评论内容和/或证据。因此,除故意或重大过失外,您同意免除券宝宝对其关于评论内容处理、评论者处理、评论投诉处理和争议解决的决定承担责任。

7 法律责任及赔偿




8 规则调整


如果您对本政策有任何疑问或建议,请在工作时间内通过 customersupport@couponer.com.au 联系券宝宝的客户服务部。

Couponer Platform Customer Review Rules(English)

The parties to this agreement are (1) the actual operating entity of Couponer, which provides review technology services (hereinafter referred to as “Couponer”), (2)merchants who publish or display product/service information through Couponer, and (3) users who use the review function (hereinafter referred to as “users” or “you” or “evaluators”). This rule is a necessary part of the “Couponer User Service Agreement” (including but not limited to the attached “Privacy Policy”).

This rule applies to all users and merchants of Couponer’s products.

In order to encourage users to make fair, objective, and truthful reviews and provide references for other users’ consumption decisions and merchant operations, this rule is formulated in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, rules, policy guidelines, requirements and/or instructions of relevant regulatory authorities in Australia, and/or other rules mentioned or linked in the “Couponer User Agreement”, “Couponer Privacy Policy” and other related agreements.

In case of any conflict between this rule and the text content of the “Couponer User Service Agreement”, the latest content published shall prevail. If the release time is the same, this rule shall prevail. Any ambiguity or undefined provisions shall be subject to the provisions of the “Couponer User Service Agreement”.

Before using the review function of Couponer, you should carefully read all the contents of this “Couponer Review Rules”, the “Couponer User Service Agreement” and other service terms, and confirm that you have understood and accepted all the content of this rule, the “Couponer User Service Agreement” and various service rules as the basis for determining the rights and obligations of all parties. If you use the review function through any Couponer product account, it will be deemed that you have read and voluntarily accepted all the content of this rule and the service rules. If you do not agree to any content of this rule and/or the “Couponer User Service Agreement” and/or various service rules, please do not use the review function through the app product account.

You understand and agree that Couponer will modify and update this rule from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the “Couponer User Service Agreement”. The publication and implementation of modified and updated content are subject to the relevant provisions of the “Couponer User Service Agreement”. If you do not agree to the modified content of this rule, you should immediately stop using the review function of any Couponer product. If you continue to use the review function of any Couponer product, it will be deemed that you agree to abide by the modified rule content.

1.Review Content

Based on the review scenarios, review information includes users’ product/service reviews and users’ (or merchants’) response content; based on the form of expression, review information includes but is not limited to text and pictures.

2.Merchant Star Ratings and Scores

Merchant star ratings and scores are provided by users and include overall satisfaction with the product/service, as well as rating indicators for different categories, including but not limited to taste, effectiveness, environment, and service. Merchant star ratings and scores are dynamic indicators that are calculated by the system based on multiple factors such as the professionalism, quality, timing, integrity, and quantity of the review. The merchant star rating system is based on the large data of various products under Couponer and reflects the objective business situation of the merchant through the full-star review of the merchant, which has a certain degree of credibility after excluding cheating data.

3 Review Management and Processing

3.1 Principles of review processing: 

Users provide review content through various products under the platform “Couponer”. These review experiences have high individual differences and subjectivity. Users should take full responsibility for the authenticity, objectivity, and fairness of their review content. Therefore, Couponer respects the review content provided by users, and will not arbitrarily delete, block, or modify it, except for necessary processing of review content violations according to existing laws and regulations, this rule, and other platform rules. However, in order to ensure the fairness, objectivity, and truthfulness of the review system, Couponer will use limited technical means to resolutely crack down on reviews that violate laws and regulations, malicious reviews, inappropriate reviews, copied/similar reviews, and reviews that hype up products, which damage the credibility of the review system, violate consumers’ right to know, violate social morality and disrupt the socialist market economy.

3.2 Illegal and infringing reviews

Couponer has the right to deal with reviews that exist or may exist, that “violate relevant laws, regulations, regulations or violate national policies, guidelines or requirements and/or instructions of relevant regulatory authorities,” or that “infringe the legitimate rights and interests of others,” including but not limited to reviews involving politically sensitive, obscene, pornographic, violent, terrorist, gambling, violent threats, violations of social stability, violations of social morality, and infringement of others’ intellectual property rights or personality rights, reviews that damage the honor and interests of the country, reviews that contain distorted, vilified, desecrated, and denied heroes’ deeds and spirits, and reviews that contain computer viruses, Trojan horses, and other content that may cause telecommunications services to be interrupted or devices to be damaged.

3.3 Malicious reviews: 

Evaluators who seek to obtain property or other improper interests and give reviews to merchants through degrading, misleading, fabricating, or exaggerating methods or evaluators who have other interests disputes with merchants and give reviews that do not match the facts or harm the public’s trust in the merchant constitute malicious reviews. Couponer has the right to independently judge malicious reviews and deal with them. “Malicious review” includes but is not limited to the following forms:

-Extortion and blackmail-type malicious reviews: Refers to evaluators using intimidation, threats, extortion, or expressing/implying their platform membership status to give false and unreasonable reviews to merchants through the platform with the purpose of damaging the merchant’s star rating and reputation on the platform, intending to force the merchant or related personnel to give additional money or unreasonable benefits, which constitutes extortion and blackmail-type malicious reviews;

-Defamation and discrediting-type malicious reviews: Refers to evaluators using methods such as defamation and discrediting to affect the merchant’s reputation, harm the public’s trust in the operating entity, and reduce the social review of the merchant’s products or services, which constitutes defamation and discrediting-type malicious reviews;

Other malicious reviews specified in this rule, Couponer’s review rules details, and other service rules; Other reviews that Couponer considers unfavorable to the realness, objectivity, and fairness of the review system.

If Couponer finds reviews that violate the above rules, it has the right to take necessary measures, including but not limited to removing reviews, reducing the credibility of evaluators, restricting evaluators’ platform rights, and even pursuing legal liability.

3.4 Inappropriate reviews: 

Reviews that contain foul language, disclose personal information of others, include advertising information, spam or irrelevant content, misleading information or content that is not related to products or services, vulgar or otherwise violate social norms or moral standards, or may cause harm or inappropriate guidance to minors, constitute inappropriate reviews. Couponer has the right to independently judge inappropriate reviews and handle them accordingly.

3.5 Plagiarized/duplicate reviews: 

Reviews that use other people’s or elsewhere’s images, text, videos, etc. (such as copying website introductions, graphics and text information published by others, etc.) beyond reasonable limits constitute plagiarized/duplicate reviews. Couponer has the right to independently judge plagiarized/duplicate reviews and handle them accordingly.

3.6 Hype reviews: 

Couponer has the right to handle reviews that are suspected of participating in hype behavior.

Hype reviews refer to merchants/users requesting third parties (including but not limited to relatives, friends, employees or business organizations, etc.) or using third-party accounts to publish false positive reviews or untrue reviews targeting competitors, as well as other reviews with hype nature from other businesses.

3.7 Other reviews that violate platform rules: 

Couponer has the right to handle reviews that are published for profit, cashing out, winning prizes, attacking, etc., and handle other reviews that violate the “Couponer User Service Agreement,” “Privacy Policy,” and other agreements or rules.

4 Content and Reviewer Management

In response to the aforementioned violations, Couponer reserves the right to take appropriate measures, such as deleting or blocking the review content. Depending on the severity of the offense, Couponer may issue warnings, request identity verification, penalize the reviewer’s contribution score, restrict or prohibit the reviewer from posting, lower the user’s level or community level, or revoke their couponer user status. If the reviewer is a merchant or has an affiliation with the merchant, in addition to the aforementioned measures, Couponer may also take actions against the merchant in accordance with the “Merchant Service Agreement” and other rules.

5 Review Complaints

Users/merchants can file complaints about review violations through Couponer’s review complaint by emailing customer service: customersupport@couponer.com.au.

6 Arbitration Power

Within the scope permitted by law, Couponer shall independently judge the legality, legitimacy, and malicious intent of the relevant reviews from a neutral standpoint. Users agree that Couponer has the right to exercise this power, as well as the right to take measures and make decisions regarding the review content and penalties against reviewers.

You understand and agree that Couponer’s relevant reviewers are not professionals in the dispute resolution service involving review content, reviewer processing, or disputes between reviewers and merchants. They can only judge the review content and/or evidence submitted by all parties, including yourself, based on common knowledge. Therefore, except for intentional or gross negligence, you agree to exempt Couponer from liability for its decisions regarding review content processing, reviewer processing, review complaint handling, and dispute resolution.

7 Legal Liability

Users and merchants must comply with relevant national laws, administrative regulations, and departmental rules. For any behavior suspected of violating national laws, administrative regulations, or departmental rules, this policy will apply. If this policy does not specify the relevant regulations, Couponer has the discretion to handle it. However, Couponer’s processing of users and merchants does not exempt them from their legal liabilities. Users and merchants should abide by various agreements signed with Couponer and its affiliated companies in any of Couponer’s products.

Please note that any review content, statements, and evidence you provide may be used as evidence in court proceedings. Any false, misleading, or inaccurate information you provide may result in corresponding legal liability.

Users and merchants who violate this policy and cause losses to Couponer shall bear full compensation liability. If the violating merchant has any payments, prepayments, accounts receivables, or other amounts stored on Couponer, the merchant agrees and authorizes Couponer to deduct the compensation from those amounts first.

8 Rule Adjustment

Couponer may adjust this review policy based on platform operations and publicly announce the changes via email and platform announcements to users and merchants.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this policy, please contact Couponer’s customer service department at customersupport@couponer.com.au during business hours.